A project that I worked on during my time at the Bard MBA in Sustainability, in collaboration with fellow students Alistair Hall and Sven Thiessen, has been awarded a 2018 Flourish Prize from Aim2Flourish.
AIM2Flourish is the world’s first higher-education curriculum for the UN Sustainable Development Goals and “Business as an Agent of World Benefit” – our words for positive and profitable business. Using the UN SDGs as their lens, students research and identify an innovation and interview a business leader about it. Their stories live on the AIM2Flourish.com platform as sources of inspiration for others.
About the Project:
Global Goal #17 — Partnerships for the Goals: Greyston Bakery
Read the AIM2Flourish Story: Helping the People of Yonkers Thrive
Based in the United States, Greyston Bakery makes brownies so that it can hire people, not the other way around. Their Open Hiring™ model creates access to employment for those facing structural barriers, enrolls new hires in programs to support their greater fulfillment both within the workplace and outside of it, and partners with the local community to deliver services essential to greater overall prosperity. Greyston’s triple-bottom line approach to business has innumerable positive impacts, both within the organization as well as on the community where it is located. In support of the UN Global Goals and the B Corps Inclusion Challenge, Greyston is now developing a program to share the Open Hiring model with other organizations.
Professor: Kristina Kohl at the Bard MBA in Sustainability in the United States